Wednesday, August 1, 2007

To Be Known

I made a trip to the bank the other day to make a needed deposit, and upon driving up to the nifty, vaccuumed, tubed device I heard from the speaker,

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Ward. How are you today?"

Surprised, I glanced at the teller in the window with a look of elated astonishment. She knew my name. How did she know my name? How nice. My day brightened in an instant, and I smiled back and said,

"I'm good, thank you. How are you?"

And I thought as I drove away, how good it feels to be known. And I remembered how much more God knows me, and how glad I am for that.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I love it when someone remembers me! The girl at my bank is always really good about asking after my life. I can't believe how well she remembers the details.

And I, too, am deeply thankful that God knows me today.